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Difference Between Hibernate Save And Persist Methods
Hibernate » on Sep 13, 2011 { 23 Comments } By Sivateja
Actually the difference between hibernate save() and persist() methods is depends on generator class we are using.
- If our generator class is assigned, then there is no difference between save() and persist() methods. Because generator ‘assigned’ means, as a programmer we need to give the primary key value to save in the database right [ Hope you know this generators concept ]
- In case of other than assigned generator class, suppose if our generator class name is Increment means hibernate it self will assign the primary key id value into the database right [ other than assigned generator, hibernate only used to take care the primary key id value remember 🙂 ], so in this case if we call save() or persist() method then it will insert the record into the database normally
But here thing is, save() method can return that primary key id value which is generated by hibernate and we can see it by
long s =;
In this same case, persist() will never give any value back to the client, hope you are clear.
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23 Responses to “Difference Between Hibernate Save And Persist Methods”
Hello java4s,
Please provide the concepts of lazy loading and where it is used in real time applications.
Thanks in advance.
lazy loading is used when your one entity class is having refrences of other POJO (or entity) like customer and address(address in customer)and if you fetch the data of customer,once you fire the query then the unusable data of addrress also get fetched up and get stored into the heap meomorey ..and you want nothing to do with the data of address then this is like wastage of memorey.
so instead of fetching the level 2 data (address)lazy loading provides you to fetch the data of only first level(like customer id,customer name etc )but not address.once you request about the level 2 data like (query1.getaddresss()) then only the query will going to hit the datbase and get the result it will help you in strong memorey manegmnet when required then only the data get into the heap
Sure,i do accept !
Actually we ignored few topics, which are very important in the interview point of view.
We noted this for an update, thank you.
I just checked method is not returning any primary key.
I think the difference lies with rest to transaction context.
Its depends on the generator we are using, it wont gives any return value back to assigned.
– Comment edited (Reason : corrected)
Hello sir,
what is difference between load() &get() in hibernate?
load is the lazy function
when doing emp e1 = session.load()… query doesnt happen .. it happen only when get the value ie. emp.getName();
but in session.get().. query happens that time itself..
Hello Sir,
Thanks for the info provided.
If you perform save and persist for the same object at same time (one after the another) only one object is saved into the DB.
For e.g. : Person p = new Person();
Superb example I just danced with joy after reading the example. You have cleared the point. this example is direct hit to the target like bullet fired at correct target with sniper gun not like typical example stuffs that says bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh and bluh… and got just confused.
hibernate generators are clearly explained very nice article
super explaination sir……..
By default hibernate follows lazy loading for example if u want to retrive the record from database server when u are call the sessin.query() creare the all the object for parent table only if u use lazy=”false” it will be create parent table objects and child class objects
Another difference between persist() and save(). persist() is JPA compliance, while save() is hibernate only.
Persist() will consider JPAs Cascade.PERSIST, while Save() do not.
Persist() will complaint if the an entity with UUID generator is set for it, and you try to persist an instance with ID already set. Some detached object exception. While save() will return the ID without complaint.
please include the n+1 problem in hibernate
Does not hibernate make much confused by introducing persiste() and save() just with the return type? What if there were only one method which returns the ID?
Excellent work and explanation also very simple i never seen this much easy explanation in other portals.I love this website.
excellent very helpful
Siva, your explanation style is very nice.
Excellent work and good explanation. Loved your site!
How many ways we can get SessionFactory object in hibernate.
Superb explanation sir…
Superb explanation sir ji…
I am using hibernate persist method. When I run code from local I am getting error Ora: 014 cannot insert null while same code is working from Dev server. Imp point to mention am using same ds for local And Dev server.