
Java Bloggers Meet at Hyderabad to Celebrate 20th Birthday of Java, Hosted by Oracle

Core Java » on Jun 19, 2015 { 9 Comments } By Sivateja

This is not a technical article πŸ™‚ this is regarding an event hosted by Oracle on 13th June 2015 at Oracle office, Hyderabad. Couple of days back I got an invitation to attend this event, initially I thought it’s a spam mail, but later I realized that it’s an official invitation from Oracle πŸ™‚ Woww and finally I got a chance to attend this event, really its an honor.

Few other Java bloggers were also attended the event.Β  It’s really a pleasure to meet all of them in a single place. Β The event started with the speech by Mr. Sanket Atal, Group Vice President, India R&D and followed speech by Mr. Debraj Dutta, a winner of Oracle IOT challenge, who demonstrated β€˜Bot-So’ robot which will capture the pictures and uploads them into Google Drive and will share then on Twitter.

Finally we cut a cake to celebrate the Java’s 20th birthday. At the end of an event we all were given a nice bag πŸ™‚

Really the event was greatly organized; here are some pictures of the event.

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  ::. About the Author .::

Sivateja Kandula - Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer
Founder of Java4s - Get It Yourself, A popular Java/J2EE Programming Blog, Love Java and UI frameworks.
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9 Responses to “Java Bloggers Meet at Hyderabad to Celebrate 20th Birthday of Java, Hosted by Oracle”
  1. Harish Chandra Pradhan says:

    Congrats Sir!!!

  2. Bhupinder Rai says:

    Hard-work always gets rewards!!…I started reading your tutorials. Really it is nicely compiled and documented. It is always hard to express things properly. I am feeling now also…hahah….Good keep it up..

  3. Ravi says:

    Hi sivateja , i noted that most java Website which produce quality sources of knowledge and help students and professionals belong to indians – you know what i mean –
    But what is the reason that we cant produce a technology on our own
    while Indians have successfully given their contribution to most technologies born-
    NIce work
    have a good time

  4. Dayakar says:

    Hi Sivateja,

    Congrats for your celebration of java 20th Birthday.

  5. subbarao popuri says:

    Congratulations SivaTeja

  6. Deepak Teja Thodeti says:

    hi sivateja,
    Your Tutorials very nice for understanding.I Started to learn your documentation.
    It’s very helpfull for me .

  7. Firoz Ahmad says:

    hi Sir,
    I would like to thank you to create this website here i am getting all points which i want thank you very much…
    Congrats for your celebration of java 20th Birthday.

  8. Stanley says:


  9. niranjan says:



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