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What is Hibernate – Hibernate Introduction

In this tutorial am going to explain, why Hibernate came into picture though we have JDBC for connecting to the database, and what is this hibernate frame work first let us see what are the draw backs of JDBC…

Mapping And Configuration Files In Hibernate

Mapping and Configuration are very familiar keywords we used to here in the hibernate, every hibernate program must need these 2 xml files. Mapping: Mapping file is the heart of hibernate application. Every ORM tool needs this mapping, mapping is…

Main Advantage And Disadvantages Of Hibernates

Let us see what are the advantages and disadvantages of hibernate framework Advantages of hibernates: Hibernate supports Inheritance, Associations, Collections In hibernate if we save the derived class object,  then its base class object will also be stored into the…

Simple Hibernate Application Requirements

Any hibernate application, for example consider even first hello world program must always contains 4 files totally. POJO class Mapping XML Configuration XML One java file to write our logic Actually these are the minimum requirement to run any…

Where To Download, How To Install Hibernate

Let us see what are the jar files we need to download to work with hibernate framework, and how to install. Working with the framework software is nothing but, adding the .jar(s) files provided by that framework to our…

Steps To Use Hibernate In Any Java Application

Hello mates, this is the exact flow of any hibernate application. so you must put little more concentration while you are reading this post, to understand better. Whether the java application will run in the server or without server, and the application may…

What is Ajax, Introduction to Ajax

Ajax is not a programming language, its the script.  Ajax means, Asynchronous java script and xml, and this is the type of programming made popular in 2005 by Google suggest [Google search, while we are typing some thing in…

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